Monday, June 30, 2008

Awesome Week

This past week we were able to enjoy a week of relaxation and fun on the beach. I love the beach. The "girls" went up on Monday and the "boys" staggered in. We got to shop at great prices, ride the waves, play games, eat lots of junk food, talk, relax and enjoy each others company. I even got to "ride" a little bit on the boogie board. Being 7 months pregnant, I had to be very careful. I just got up sooner than everyone else did and I didn't wait for the big "wave". We got back on Saturday. Then on Sunday, "My man" and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. We went to church then after dinner of grilled pizza (My man loves our grill) and our home teacher dropping by, we went up to the temple with our 6 year old daughter. We visited the visitor center and saw an exhibit featuring Pres. Hinkley. We also took some awesome family pics and "our princess" took a couple of her mommy & daddy in some of the same posses and places we did 7 years ago. I'm so grateful for the church and for my family. I've been very blessed with a wonderful companion and a wonderful family.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It's been a record high out here with a heat index of 105 for both Monday and Tuesday. If this is a sign of what is to come. Count me out. :) I guess I have to just deal with it right? It seems the other day it was May and now it's June. Before I know it August will be here, and life will be no longer as I know it. "Time" just seems to be passing me by. I wish I could grab a hold of it and stop time or if not stop it add some more time to my day. I never seem to have enough of it.

June is a time to celebrate summer and Fathers. Father's are such an important part of my life and I'm so grateful for each father that I know and have. The first one I can recall is my own father. My dad is such an awesome dad. He has taught me so much. He's always there for me when I need him. While I was growing up, he was the one I could turn to if I needed to get some deep answers especially about the scriptures or different things that were happening in my life at that time. "My Man" is also a great father. He plays a lot with "Our Princess" and teaches her different things. He also has a lot of patience with her. He's also a great helpmate, companion, sweetheart, and the list goes on. What a man! And last but not least is my Heavenly Father. He has done so much for me and I'm ever grateful for all that he has done and for all the wonderful people he has put in my life. I'm also grateful that he sent his only begotten son down to earth to be a great example but also to suffer in Gethsemane for our sins and to die on the cross so that we may live again. I love these great men in my life. I hope and pray that I will always be worthy of their love.

On a different note, I can't believe that "Our princess" will graduate from Kindergarten this Friday and be in 1st grade this next fall. She's growing up and sometimes I don't want this to happen. I want to keep her sweet and innocent. Although at times she seems like she's 6 going on 13. Oh, I hope that she'll still want to give me hugs and kisses and cuddle with me and talk with me when she gets that age. I guess only time will tell. There's that T word again. "Time". And on that note it's time to log off.