Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years

It's almost 2010. Where did 2009 go. I'm sorry I haven't posted as much. I usually write more and put more pics on Facebook then I do here. I have new pics of my girls and one of myself there now. They were taken the first week of December. :) so, go look there and you can read all of the fun things that have been happening there. I have had lots of fun watching my girls grow up and discover new things and do new things. Life is busy but fun. Besides being a mom and a wife, I'm still doing creative memories, doing some admin work from home and I now have 14 piano students. Wow!!! I wasn't going to take any more but my princess said that she liked all of the playdates. Well keep looking on facebook and I'll try to post more here. Happy New Years. Hope 2010 is better for everyone or just as good if it was awesome.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Catching up....

I can't believe how fast time flies. I guess I say this a lot and I'm sorry. A lot of things have happened. Our diva turned 1 in August and she is so cute. The other day when we were gone to Miami, my mom said that our diva saw her pick out a popcorn seed out of the bowl. Then our diva started picking them out also. She had to pick them all out before she ate another popcorn. I heard it was rather funny. (My mom stayed from Sun-Fri while my hubby and I were gone to Miami-what a sweatheart.) Our diva is teething right now she's working on teeth-7,8, and 9 which two are molars. Also, the other night I forgot to put her pj's on so she slept in a white shirt and diaper. Our princess comes in and told us that our diva had took off her diaper and was still sleeping. Oh boy. She has also been coming in the bathroom with me and sitting on the stool so I got her her own toilet seat. The first night she lifted up the seat sat down, got up put down the seat. Then she tried lifting up the seat again to sit down again. She had the biggest smile on her face as to say look at me..I'm a big girl.
Our princess is in the 2nd grade. She is starting to enjoy reading and "writing" in her journal. She loves to read the fairy books and read to her baby sister. Also at school she gets to use a computer for her home journal. It's great. when she puts a letter in it will give her a choice of possible words. Then at the end of the sentence it reads what was written. She also enjoys her time with daddy at night. Her daddy has been reading the scripture stories to her each night which helps with her reading and her knowledge. I love it. While he is doing that I'm putting our diva to sleep. She loves art and spanish class.
This past week the girls had fun. For the trunk or treat they dressed up as tinkerbells and for halloween they dressed up as witches. We got a lot of cute comments about the girls. It was a riot. We just went around our neighborhood and we got a grocery sack of candy for each girl. Boy was that fun. We get to have fun enforcing the "parent" tax....we get one...they get one??? :) J/K Our princess is really good about sharing...and our diva isn't that old enough to care either way. Isn't it great. Well, got to run. Hope to put up pics soon.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mayday...mayday.....oh its June!!!!

ok...I know...I'm so far behind. It's June already and next Monday my man and I celebrate 8 years of marriage. Wow!!! I've been married that long? Who would of believed that I would be married for 8 years and have 2 beautiful daughters. I've also been very blessed with a wonderful hubby. I'll claim him.:) Also because I've been married to him we have had some very wonderful friends that are like family. We are so grateful for the impact that they have had in our lives.
Our diva just took her first step yesterday it was so cute. She's so excited when she did it. She has also learned to clap so if she does something that she thinks is cool she'll clap and look at you to say come on I'm cute clap for me. She usually does this when she goes from a squat to a standing position without holding on to anything. She's also getting tooth # 3 & 4 coming in at the same time. Boy am I lucky. She hasn't tried biting me yet..which is good... Also, we've been doing sleep training. Boy has that been fun. It's hard not to run in when she cries the first time. She usually puts herself back to sleep. Yeah!!!
Our princess is out of school right now. She'll be going to 2nd grade next year. We just had to do a new IEP since she's been diagnosed with a learning disability along with her speech therapy. We don't know what's going on but at least we are getting help. I'd rather get it solved now then wait till she's in highschool. For some reason she's having a hard time reading/writing. It's mainly her vocalization. Her non vocal reasoning she's doing great!! Especially in her math.
She's been having fun playing with her "cousins". They are here for one more week before they visit other family members then they are headed to So. Korea. It's been fun for both of my girls b/c they both get "play dates" and diva gets the attention. :) Next week we'll be going to the beach with friends to celebrate our anniversary and to play games. I'm so excited. We also get to shop and scrapbook (we'll see about this one) and hang out at the beach. I'm also going to start jogging again. It will be great to be able to exercise again. I haven't been able to much with hanging out with my 3 nieces, princess in school, piano lessons, and naptimes for diva. Boy will I be ready for a rest and the good news is my man is taking off the whole week...well he'll be able to work a little from the beach house but when he's not working we'll be able to hang out. Yipee!!! I'm so pumped. Well, I'll try to post some pics soon and some video of diva playing peek a boo. It's so cute. She's like a little Jack in the box. It's hilarious. I really should send it to funniest home videos it's that cute. But of course I'm biase. :) Well tata for now. Until next time.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


So life is getting a little busier. I can't believe it's March and again I'm playing catchup. Will it ever get easier? I sure hope so.
I can't wait for the warm weather again. We just had another snow day on Monday which is unusual for our school district. Falls Church City is so small that other counties can be out but we are in school. Our princess loved it. She has had lots of fun playing in the snow, and helping me clean off the car and shovel paths.
Right now I'm in the midst of gearing up to go to New York for the Best Practice Seminar. I'm so excited to get to go. My mom and our little diva get to tag a long. Since, I'm the admin help I've been trying to get our diva prepared by giving her the bottle with my milk again. On Sunday she resisted so my man had to take her home to try to get her to eat. She ate a little bit but not really (less than a 1/2 ounce). She pretty much waited till I got home which was a total of 6 hours from the first time she ate. I was prepared to battle so we tried a different bottle and wala..during piano lessons yesterday I tried it and she drank it. Yipee!!! I was getting worried there. Yesterday she also went in for her 6 month appointment and yes she got more shots. She was so cute though b/c when she saw the doctor come in she looked at her and started signing the sign "all done". The doctor looked at her and said oh..she's doing something really cool with her hands and I told her that that was the sign for all done. She just smiled and said that I have one smart girl and wanted to know what other signs our diva knows. She knows the sign for milk, more, change (diaper), play, and sleep. She mainly only signs milk, more and all done though. On Sunday while my man was watching her our diva turned around in a circle on her tummy. She also scooted back while she was on the hardwood floor. She has also had her first "booboo". She took a flying leap forward while seating on the floor and hit one of the round toys. It just left a little bruise on the top of her eyelid. Oh well. I'm sure it's the start of many.
Our princess is enjoying being in school. She also loves it that I have piano students b/c that means she gets to have mini playdates through out the week. She is also starting to read really well. I'm so proud of her. She is such a big help and she's getting so independent, which could either be good or bad depending on the day. :) She's doing pretty good with reading 15 minutes a night for at least 5 times a week and she's doing better about going to bed. Of course her motivation is that if she's good about it then on Saturdays she gets to play the wii. Yep, we are bribing our kids. :) Also, if she wants to watch a movie or play a game with us (card or board) she has to have read her 15 minutes before we play with her. I love being the parent although you have to enforce those rules also. :)
I'm doing pretty good. I've been keeping busy by consulting for the seminar coming up, teaching piano, doing Creative Memories, playing basketball and singing in a group and of course taking care of our two beautiful daughters and being a wife and housekeeper. It'll be nice when b-ball ends so that I'll have my Wed nights and Saturdays back although I enjoy the exercise and the friendships. My man will like it also b/c I'll be home. :)
My man is doing well. He's getting bombarded with work which is a good thing but it's a little stressful also. I know he wishes that it will slow down a little but I don't think that will ever happen. He's such a great father and I'm so glad that I married him. I'm so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father and for my Savior Jesus Christ. They sure know what they are doing. I hope that I can be like them one day. I know I have a ways to go. :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

January catchup

I figure I need to do some quick updating. Lots of fun things have been happening in our life. Our diva is growing up so fast. The other day while in the tub with her big sis she started kicking water at her sis after her sis started splashing her. The war was on. They took turns splashing each other it was so so cute. Also, on Tuesday she started doing rasberries. She just sticks out her tongue and goes at it. I've learned this is one way she tells me she is finished with her food especially the non milk kind. She's been trying new things. She loves squash, bananas-are ok, frozen strawberries (in a mesh teether toy), rice and oatmeal. Rice is getting too blah for her b/c she will eat a lot of the other food but rice only a little bit. Our princess is starting to read a lot more. She likes reading to our diva and our diva likes listening. She tries to hold the books like her big sis. Our diva also likes to sit and stand up all the time while holding our hands. She has started to take a few steps. I keep telling her she needs to crawl first but she wants to be just like her big sis. Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with two beautiful daughters.
This past week has been really weird. On Tuesday we got our first "snow storm"-about 3 inches. Our princess got off school early. Then on Wednesday b/c it rained on Tuesday night which made a icy covering on the snow got her first snow day. Which for the school district she is in is unusual. Everywhere else they close the schools but our school is usually always in school. Then Thursday and Friday were teacher prep days. Boy am I going to be happy when school is back in session. :) Although it's been nice to sleep in (well as much as I can) and not have to worry about working around her schedule with our divas feeding schedule. Our princess has loved today since she was able to play her game (Princess adventure game) on the wii. Normally we have to set up the projector but her daddy set it up on the computer which was nice.

Something funny that happened around Christmas time was that while we were traveling back from my moms our princess said "I just saved "our divas"(name substituted) life". My man and I looked at each other. She continued and said that she put the hood of the carseat up so that "she didn't get blind". We had been talking to her about watching out for her little sis b/c the sun can hurt hers and our eyes if we look at it directly. The things they remember...

I'll have to post pics next time. I have some cute ones of the girls around christmas time and also ones of their first "real snow" which stuck on the ground.