Saturday, August 30, 2008

New sleep

Boy did I forget how it was when I had "princess". I guess it has been SIX years. We had our new bundle last Sunday on the 24th at 8:44 a.m. On her due date. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and measured 20 inches long. For this blog she'll be known as our "diva". Why the name? Well, its seems like we have a star in the making-everything dramatized. For the 1st couple of days she has been starving. I've had to supplement her with formula on top of what I've fed her. When she was crying it sounded like a high pitch squeak like a mouse or a very high soprano. I've also have had to bring her into bed with me so that I can get some sleep, if not she wants to be fed every 2 hours and that results in no sleep for mom since feeding and burping and changing diapers last at least 45 minutes. But, I wouldn't give her up in any way, shape or form. She is such a blessing and I'm very grateful to have her. It also makes me grateful for my mom. She had 6 kids, which before I was 6 she had had 4 kids. That's amazing especially since they didn't have an epidural like we have them. Isn't technology and medicine great? Well, the princess is happy that she has a baby sister (you can e-mail me for her name). She's like a little mom. I have to watch her though...she might take over my job. ;) I'll try to post a pic soon. Need to go get that much needed sleep.