Monday, June 22, 2009

Mayday...mayday.....oh its June!!!!

ok...I know...I'm so far behind. It's June already and next Monday my man and I celebrate 8 years of marriage. Wow!!! I've been married that long? Who would of believed that I would be married for 8 years and have 2 beautiful daughters. I've also been very blessed with a wonderful hubby. I'll claim him.:) Also because I've been married to him we have had some very wonderful friends that are like family. We are so grateful for the impact that they have had in our lives.
Our diva just took her first step yesterday it was so cute. She's so excited when she did it. She has also learned to clap so if she does something that she thinks is cool she'll clap and look at you to say come on I'm cute clap for me. She usually does this when she goes from a squat to a standing position without holding on to anything. She's also getting tooth # 3 & 4 coming in at the same time. Boy am I lucky. She hasn't tried biting me yet..which is good... Also, we've been doing sleep training. Boy has that been fun. It's hard not to run in when she cries the first time. She usually puts herself back to sleep. Yeah!!!
Our princess is out of school right now. She'll be going to 2nd grade next year. We just had to do a new IEP since she's been diagnosed with a learning disability along with her speech therapy. We don't know what's going on but at least we are getting help. I'd rather get it solved now then wait till she's in highschool. For some reason she's having a hard time reading/writing. It's mainly her vocalization. Her non vocal reasoning she's doing great!! Especially in her math.
She's been having fun playing with her "cousins". They are here for one more week before they visit other family members then they are headed to So. Korea. It's been fun for both of my girls b/c they both get "play dates" and diva gets the attention. :) Next week we'll be going to the beach with friends to celebrate our anniversary and to play games. I'm so excited. We also get to shop and scrapbook (we'll see about this one) and hang out at the beach. I'm also going to start jogging again. It will be great to be able to exercise again. I haven't been able to much with hanging out with my 3 nieces, princess in school, piano lessons, and naptimes for diva. Boy will I be ready for a rest and the good news is my man is taking off the whole week...well he'll be able to work a little from the beach house but when he's not working we'll be able to hang out. Yipee!!! I'm so pumped. Well, I'll try to post some pics soon and some video of diva playing peek a boo. It's so cute. She's like a little Jack in the box. It's hilarious. I really should send it to funniest home videos it's that cute. But of course I'm biase. :) Well tata for now. Until next time.