Friday, December 19, 2008

December thanks

It's December. Where has the time flown? We've already flown past Thanksgiving which was awesome. We went to my man's uncle's home. I really enjoyed spending time with family and talking with all of the cousins. There were 3 babies there which was nice. My man did his black friday shop a thon. He went to the first store at midnight and shopped till about noon. Then he went to bed at 1pm for a couple of hours. This was the first time that I didn't do some kind of black friday shopping with him since we were married. (I don't count our first black friday together b/c neither one of us went shopping). He pretty much finished our Christmas shopping. It was rather nice not to have to worry about it. Last week Our princess was home all week with a cold. Her cough seemed worse at night time but during the day it seemed a little bit better. She liked to borrow my computer during the day so I couldn't get on so she could watch Silverhawks, Thundercats, She-ra and He-man. All shows that my man "showed" her and she really likes. She also got to read to our diva which was fun to hear her do that. But boy was I happy that this week she went to school. It was actually pretty good especially today. My man had off and we went thru the gifts to see which ones went to whom. We started wrapping them especially the ones to our princess from Santa. It's good to get at least some of this out of the way so we don't have to stay up late on Christmas Eve doing it. I still can't believe that Christmas is in 6 days. That's wild. After I picked up our princess from her bus stop, I was supposed to pick up my sister at the airport but I guess Rhode Island got some snow and her flight was canceled so she's not coming. I'm a little sad b/c I haven't seen her for at least a year and she really wanted to see "our princess" and "our diva". I wish she lived closer.

Our diva is doing pretty good. She's teething now which isn't fun at all but she likes to grab hold of our hands while sitting on our lap and she pulls herself to a standing position. She also likes to look at herself in the mirror and laughs and smiles. She's such a cutie. She doesn't like tummy time a lot b/c pretty much every time I put her there she rolls over to her back. Last night Diva gave me a good present. She slept 10 hours. I got to sleep 7 & 1/2 of those hours. Let me tell you...I felt really good. I was more alert than I have been for awhile that's for sure.

This evening was fun to spend together as a family. My man told our girls a story about the true meaning of christmas and what all of the symbols mean. It was great to hear it again. I hope you all are having a great time and that the Lord blesses you with all of the blessings that you need at this time. I'm truly grateful for this time and season. For my two miracles and my man. I'm grateful for my friends and family members and for everything they do for me. I'm grateful for my Savior for his atoning sacrifice. I love him and I'm grateful for all of the blessings that he has given me and my family. May your hearts be turned to him during this season and always I pray.