Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Catching up....

I can't believe how fast time flies. I guess I say this a lot and I'm sorry. A lot of things have happened. Our diva turned 1 in August and she is so cute. The other day when we were gone to Miami, my mom said that our diva saw her pick out a popcorn seed out of the bowl. Then our diva started picking them out also. She had to pick them all out before she ate another popcorn. I heard it was rather funny. (My mom stayed from Sun-Fri while my hubby and I were gone to Miami-what a sweatheart.) Our diva is teething right now she's working on teeth-7,8, and 9 which two are molars. Also, the other night I forgot to put her pj's on so she slept in a white shirt and diaper. Our princess comes in and told us that our diva had took off her diaper and was still sleeping. Oh boy. She has also been coming in the bathroom with me and sitting on the stool so I got her her own toilet seat. The first night she lifted up the seat sat down, got up put down the seat. Then she tried lifting up the seat again to sit down again. She had the biggest smile on her face as to say look at me..I'm a big girl.
Our princess is in the 2nd grade. She is starting to enjoy reading and "writing" in her journal. She loves to read the fairy books and read to her baby sister. Also at school she gets to use a computer for her home journal. It's great. when she puts a letter in it will give her a choice of possible words. Then at the end of the sentence it reads what was written. She also enjoys her time with daddy at night. Her daddy has been reading the scripture stories to her each night which helps with her reading and her knowledge. I love it. While he is doing that I'm putting our diva to sleep. She loves art and spanish class.
This past week the girls had fun. For the trunk or treat they dressed up as tinkerbells and for halloween they dressed up as witches. We got a lot of cute comments about the girls. It was a riot. We just went around our neighborhood and we got a grocery sack of candy for each girl. Boy was that fun. We get to have fun enforcing the "parent" tax....we get one...they get one??? :) J/K Our princess is really good about sharing...and our diva isn't that old enough to care either way. Isn't it great. Well, got to run. Hope to put up pics soon.


Tricks are for Kidds said...

Yipee! Thanks for the update on your family. I know you went to Miami...but I am wondering "why?" Please don't forget the photos. I can't wait to see your girls.

Mama mia said...

we went to Miami b/c my man had a work trip and during the week we were gone I celebrated my birthday. So a mini birthday present for me...no kids and I guess my mom's birthday present was time with her grand daughters. :)